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ID Gaming lägger ner efter bedrägeri

Ägarbytet i före detta tyska och nu svenska ID Gaming har på tre veckor lett till att organisationen tvingats att lägga ner. Detta sedan en av de två nya ägarna helt enkelt tagit pengar som tillhörde organisationen för sig själv.
Den bestulne ägaren uppmanar i ett uttalande (med rubriken att ID Gaming ska till domstol) folk i allmänhet att vara försiktiga med ägare nummer två, "Deko", som enligt samma uttalande mer eller mindre försvann med $500 (drygt 3000 kr).

3000 kr är inte en summa som i sig ska kunna få en seriös organisation på fall, men tydligen har incidenten skvalpat över på andra delar och gjort att organisationens "två största inkomstkällor har lämnat", enligt en anonym representant för ID Gaming. Dessutom ska den totala summan av pengar på vift vara över 10 000 kr.

Fragbite har haft telefonkontakt med Deko, som dock inte ville kommentera det inträffade med mer än att sponsorn som pengarna kom ifrån var "hans" samt att han nu hade en "deal" med den andra ägaren som gjorde att ärendet var avklarat. "Dealen" innebär att det inte kommer att bli någon rättssak.

Ett hyfsat intressant, men också flerdimensionellt pinsamt, uttalande från ID Gaming om vad som hänt finns nedan.
Press release 2008, 02, 22 – ID Gaming goes to Swedish court.

This press release is first off all an warning to people out there who are going to work with Deko in the future but also an statement on what has happened in ID Gaming these last days.

First off all we know that it’s pretty stupid to send a guy money without any obligation but we wore going to fix the paper work on the gathering and all Deko’s reference has been perfectly fine and he has shown himself on LAN many times before so we didn’t think it was any problem.

Well now to the story. When Deko first joined up with ID in December he told us he could get a deal with Titan Poker, ready and done we talked with Titan Poker and everything was fine. We worked for a couple of month and ID was finally ready to launch. Titan told us that we would get 500 dollar for a tournament we held when we launched called ID Gaming Poker Tour #1. Said and done Titan transferred the money 10 of February. The thing was that the Swedish government (in Sweden called Bolagsverket) had some problem with our name (ID Gaming Group) so we couldn’t get our papers until 10 of February and then go to the bank to get an account for our company. Then Deko come up with the idea that he has an mooneybocker account that work that we can transfer it to because he anyway are going to get the money to pay Kylie for a web design (Kylie lives in the same town as Deko so he was going to pay him in real life so it would go faster and we would get the design quicker) and book flight tickets for The Gathering). Then days went on and Deko “didn’t receive any money” he said. Then I contacted Titan and told them that we haven’t received any money so I’m going to go to court because we have a sponsoring contract and you owe us money. Then Titan quickly showed me paper and screens where it clearly stated that those 500$ have been transferred to Deko’s account. Now I confronted him and he just said he would check it and then he has been gone since then. ID Gaming has mIRC logs in Swedish where Deko’s real life friend, Avilli clearly has taken the money and that he was also in on it.

We don’t have a contract between Deko and ID Gaming (that was going to get fixed under the gathering), though we have a contract with Titan that the sponsoring money are going to be spend in ID manners and if not Deko send the money to ID we see no other choice then to go to court. We have chosen not to publish Deko’s real name and where he lives to respect he’s privacy but if you see Deko on a LAN, don’t hesitate to tell him some well chosen word :).

We know that we might have screwed up and maybe not ever going to get our money back but we will with this Statement strongly recommend organisation who think about working with Deko in the future to think twice before you take him on.

For a irc log in Swedish where Dekos friend who also wore in ID “confess” that Deko took the money can be read at: http://www.id-gaming.eu/loggavili.txt

Best Regards
ID Gaming Group
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